Easier Rental Property Maintenance – Plan Ahead for Fall and Winter

Even though it’s the height of the good summer weather, savvy landlords have a plan in place for rental property maintenance.  Here’s a checklist of activities to have in place.

Do a Furnace/HVAC Check

Before tenants start turning on the heat, replace furnace filters and ensure the furnace is in good working order. Call the HVAC professional to ensure that ducts are clean. In terms of any other rental property maintenance, if your properties have fireplaces, see that the chimney and flue are clean and free of creosote.

Inspect the Roof and Gutters

Your roof takes the brunt of the winter snow and subsequent melt. So, look for any shingles needing repair or any holes. Prevent ice dams by ensuring all the gutters are clear of leaves and other autumn debris.

Survey the Exterior Landscaping

Take a look around for any branches that need to be trimmed or trees showing signs of disease. When winter winds howl and ice accumulates, you don’t want any flying branches or trees to come down. Leaves should be raked and bagged, and any shrubs that need protection should be wrapped. Drain the water from irrigation or sprinkler systems and garden hoses to avoid freezing and cracking.

Check Walls & Windows

Do a walk-around to check for any cracks in the siding or mortar that may need to be repaired. Check for drafts to stop warm air from escaping and cold air from getting in. Windows should be in good condition, well-sealed with caulking and without any cracks in the glass.

Launch a Fire Prevention Campaign

Before November, it’s a good time to remind your renters about safety tips to prevent kitchen fires from happening over the upcoming holidays as well as guidelines for holiday lights, space heaters or any other fire hazards.  

Test Smoke Detectors, Fire Extinguishers and Emergency Exits

Perform a test on all smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, see that fire extinguishers are in good working order and easily accessible. Also, make sure all emergency exits are unobstructed.

Secure your Snow Removal Contractors

In Canada, it’s not unheard of to have a winter storm come ripping through in October. Before the snow really starts to fly, make sure you’ve signed the dotted line of your contract with a snow removal company.

Check Winter Supplies & Equipment

From stocking up on salt and ice-melt for driveways and walkways to, for multifamily units, hiring a company to place winter mats in high traffic common areas, make sure you have the supplies you need for winter. Do a review of shovels, snow-blowers and any other winter-related rental property maintenance equipment you have.

Check Pipes and Crawl Spaces

A burst, frozen pipe can cause a lot of damage. Ensure that all pipes are insulated to prevent freezing. Review crawl spaces and attics to check that there is adequate traditional or spray-foam insulation.

How Property Vista Helps

Property Vista’s suite of property management solutions makes rental property maintenance easier. Our mobile inspection tool allows you to perform all types of inspections conveniently with any mobile device, and digitally store any data for future reference. You can set up work orders for preventative and emergency maintenance, and quickly convert work orders into purchase orders. See pricing and arrange a demo here.